Corporate Governance

Our governance system is our instrument to continually advance our business operations whilst contributing to the development of society. Through it, we aim to actualize our fundamental stance on corporate governance, which is to ensure fair and transparent corporate conduct through the Board of Directors, senior management and external auditors, whilst enhancing our internal control systems to maintain accountability and manage risks. It is used to formulate and implement measures for strict compliance, thus earning us the trust of all stakeholders.
Good governance contributes to better results for all our stakeholders. Through a framework both firm and robust, we systematically manage risk and achieve both organisational and socio economic development. Through this framework of governance, we formulate and implement internal controls for compliance and devise strategies to improve our performance. Our objective is to maintain corporate governance principles, policies and practices that support the accountability of the Board
and Senior management and which promote the interest of shareholders, consistent with our purpose, values and principles.
Governance Structure
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors consists of ten Executive Directors and two Independent Non-Executive Director. It makes decisions concerning overall strategy, investments, major construction projects, organizational structure, compliance, conduct and operations. The Board of Directors meets monthly to discuss business strategy, management policies, critical risks, opportunities and matters requiring board resolutions. Further, the Board of Directors supervises business execution and monitors the progress of management plans, sustainability initiatives and sector
progress through the relevant business units.
Special Committees
The Board has established four special committees, namely, the Audit and Compliance Committee, the Sustainability Review Committee, the Project Review Committee and the Remuneration Committee. These committees periodically report to the Board of Directors